PLEASE NOTE: Due to the loss of a major re-stocking consignment by FEDEX, we have some Stock limitations until re-ordering and a new shipper are arranged and supply reinstated.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the loss of a major re-stocking consignment by FEDEX, we have some Stock limitations until re-ordering and a new shipper are arranged and supply reinstated. 
If you are aware of any unauthorised sales of HIT-AIR vests please advise us.

           HIT AIR Australia                  Horse Riding and Motorcycle Rider/Pillion airbag jacket fall and accident protection.            M: 0430.247.224


Contact Us

Hello, we’d like to hear from you.

Your questions and comments are welcome. 

Expressions of Interest for Agents in Australian States/Cities are invited.
Your background details and capabilities are requested.

Quantity supplies and Customised designs are considered.

If you already have a HIT AIR jacket or vest you are invited to submit your feedback, reviews, experiences and pictures to us.

We have an Instagram site at:

NOTE: We supply only brand name "Hit-Air" products, and have our own certified suppliers.
Offers of other supply or products are not required.

Contact Us


1300 HIT AIR [ 1300-448-247 ]

0430 AIR BAG [ 0430-247-224 ]

Sutherland Shire, Sydney, NSW 2232

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